My name is Sarah Ann Flores I am 32 years old. I came to Grace House in May 2020 and Graduated in March 2021. I grew up in Robstown, Texas. I moved to San Antonio when I was 8. My dad was murdered before I turned 1. My mom found comfort in narcotics so over the years my older sister and I witnessed and lived through the struggles of an addict. My mom found herself in the penitentiary and when she was released moved to San Antonio with a man who became my stepfather. I gave birth to my son at age 13, and have basically been on my own since then. As hard as those times were, I managed to graduate from high school. Not long after graduation, I became addicted to an illegal substance for many years then I experienced a harsher substance and for several more years I struggled. At age 24 I gave birth to a little girl, whom I love but just couldn’t care for. My sister and brother-in-law adopted her and she now lives a fabulous life, a life I would’ve never been able to give her given the circumstances. I came to Grace House after two stays in Bexar County Jail and one in State Jail. My addiction to drugs offered me nothing but loss and a deep sense of hopelessness. Hoping to find a better way of life and overcome my addiction, I applied to Grace House. Thankfully I was accepted into the program. While at Grace House I found a relationship with God and Jesus Christ is now Lord of my life. I believe I have finally ended the horrible cycle of addiction.

I learned that God has always protected me. I’ve learned how to live a productive life in society and experience feelings of gratitude and love. I have been given life skills and now know the Bible, especially the story of Jesus Christ. I now serve at Grace House as a House Supervisor. I enjoy doing God’s work and look forward to my journey with Him through the rest of my days on earth. My life has been fulfilled dramatically and this is just the beginning.

My life verse is MARK 12:30   And you are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.